Teacher (economics, politics, history), writer, advocate, @commonsensenyny, @citizenmerchantnyny




Petition Drive

See Blog Post Why Is This A Partisan Fight

Go To Change.Org To Sign Petition

Dateline June 8, 2023, Donald Trump is indicted in federal criminal court 90% of Republican Party members respond that there should be one set of laws despite the indictment being based on one set of laws.

Cassius Clay-1962

*When It Was Written, curated with virtually every story ever written about Ali when they were written, from the beginning of  his career to the end of his life…thousands of articles, photos letters, editorials, cartoons, and other media…the most complete account of its kind in three handsome folders! The Climb, The Summit, The Descent.
*Contemporaneous and powerful The Primary Source, a 64 Gb Thumb-Drive, is a walk through the 60s and 70s featuring some of its most prominent figures, Malcolm X, MLK, JFK, Jackie Robinson, Stokely Carmichael, Jim Brown, Lew Alcindor, LBJ, and more.
*For Scholars, Connoisseurs, and those who just want to know!

*Limited Time Offer! *Limited time Offer! *Limited Time Offer!

The Climb

The Summit

The Descent

March 14, 1964, Heavyweight Champion Cassius Clay takes a stroll down 7th Ave in NYC. Enjoying the balmy spring weather and the adoration of his fans. He’s staying at the Hotel Theresa until he finds a home in the area.

Contest #1

A New Iconic Poster Contest

From 1960, The Climb, through 1967, his exile, Ali lived in Colored Town Miami Florida and ran to the 5th St gym in Miami Beach Florida…

Muhammad Ali Contest 2

Contest #2

Malcolm And All

 Hi Stakes Take5!

Take 5

$1,500 for 3 Draws!
You must be located in NYC. Email us for more info



It’s “More Wall” not “A Wall.”
You can see from the Mexico side


Motion To Impeach 3 Supreme Court Justices

This is to request the impeachment of three of the justices of the Supreme Court Citizen Merchant makes this request for the following reasons: With the end of this last term the court has exposed itself to be the most ideologically driven in its history, the very...

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Why Is It A Partisan Fight?

Orig. Pub. June 6, 2020 “Let me now…warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally…The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in...

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Police Reform

Orig. Pub. September 8, 2020 If police is short for policy and enforcing the law is what police do, then #ChangeTheLaws is more logical than #DefundThePolice

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Democracy And The Con Job

Orig. Pub. November 16, 2020 Our representatives keep throwing around the words “democracy” and “right to vote,” saying they are intimate to our nation’s founding. However, nothing could be further from the truth. There’s an exercise I do with my students when I teach...

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To book Citizen Merchant The Aliologist